Thursday, 3 September 2015

My sister Megnan

You may think that I made a typo in that title, but I meant to do that. You see, my family recently discovered that my sister is named "Megnan" on her birth cert rather than Megan... It says to me that most people were drunk in 80s Ireland, and just to further my case on this. On my christening cert it says I was born a year earlier, so for a very brief period in my life I thought I was a year younger than I actually was, but that's a story for another time.
For now though, you have the absolute pleasure of meeting my older sister Megnan who just LOVES to sing all the fecking time. Trust me, am not exaggerating when I say all the time I wouldn't mind as much if she could actually sing, but she can't and it's unfortunate for anyone within hearing distance.

Here she is singing about a hematoma I had on my leg once...but that's fairly obvious I guess.
my sister Megnan

I have always wondered though.. .

What happens when there is no one at home to hear her sing?. She always has to have an audience. No point in singing to herself I guess, wouldn't want people thinking she's weird you know. We can't have that, sure as long as there is someone to see her she's grand. *rolls eyes*

Probably what goes on in her head when she sings...

What happens though when she doesn't have an audience?

Her favorite song at the moment is "Ben" by Michael Jackson, and it has been for a painfully long time, Megnan has even stopped making up her own songs in favor of "Ben" which is just worrying to be honest.

She somehow manages to make this unsettling noise when she tries to hit the high notes, it's a mix between a high pitched forced wheeze and a dogs squeaky toy so maybe old man Jackie Boos is the best audience for her? (I swear, some of those squeaks could only ever be heard by dogs)

But even the ever patient Jackie Boos has his limits...

If she didn't have to sleep I don't think she would ever stop singing

My dad has recently decided it would be a good idea to join in rather than just ignoring her like the rest of the family try so hard to do (we don't want to encourage her now do we) but noooo my dad just goes right ahead and spurs Megnan on with his bad singing. When that happens we're fecked, because my dads vocal tone could go either way really, depending on his mood mind you, not the song. 

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