Friday 30 October 2015

Four last minute, cheap, Halloween costume ideas!

Everyone knows that the Irish pretty much invented Halloween right? combine that with the fact that I grew up with parents who thought there were more important things to spend money on than Halloween costumes. So I managed to learn a thing or two when it comes to creating cheap and scary Halloween costumes in just a few minutes. Most of the items you will find right in your home already. So if your last minute (eg: this post) about everything in life. Like myself, and you are just DESPERATE for a costume then get ready to get crafty! because I will show you how to make some of the costumes that I wore as a child. Outside. With people around.

You could always just throw on a white sheet.

Friday 16 October 2015

I drank so much coffee today..

Hello blog,

it's been a while since you've been updated. I'm sorry, but I got lazy and couldn't of been arsed doing doodles for a while (see what I did there? I incorporated my name. Genius.) It happens from time to time, I get lazy. I did however knit lots and lots of useless crap:

Just an example of said useless crap: 

I especially like that little finger hat I made...because you know, this is Ireland and our fingers get cold. How many people can say they own a finger hat? Yeah. Not many, that's for damn sure! Can you say hipster?

That's just a taste of the useless crap that I have knitted this past month. So now I just have this big pile of  wool-ie nothingness and my life is over. Christmas is nearly upon us and I haven't even managed to knit a scarf and I've used about 10 balls of wool. With nothing to show for it! So I must really get my act together...

I have drank so much coffee today though I think my heart might explode, that or I have diabetes because I've had to pee like 30 times while writing this already. So yeah. Wish me luck with that. The upside to drinking all this coffee hopefully means I have enough energy and focus to bang out a few doodles. Hopefully.

I'll probably just end up watching the Graham Norton show and knit nothing. Alas the joys of adulthood.

Again, I am sorry to my one follower (shout out to you WhenIsDinnerReady?) I'll try and do better. lovely name by the way.